Roman Empire - Timeline

NOTE: This timeline — because it was designed to serve multiple articles — may list items and events not immediately relevant to what you are currently reading.


753 — Rome founded (by Romulus).

509 — King Tarquin expelled and the Republic established.

390 — Rome captured by the Gauls.

367 — The law is reformed to allow plebians the right to hold the consulship.

264-41 — The First Punic Wars.

218-9 — Start of the Second Punic Wars.

216 — The Battle of Cannae.

202 — Hannibal is defeated at the Battle of Zama.

168 — Popilius Laenas thwarts Antiochus Epiphanes's plan to invade Egypt, setting in train the events that led to the Maccabean Revolt.

148 — Macedon becomes a Roman province.

146 — Rome destroys Carthage and Corinth.

133 — Tribunate and murder of Tiberius Gracchus. — Attalus III of Pergamun leaves his kingdom to Rome in his will.

123 — The first tribunate of Gaius Gracchus.

122 — The second tribunate of Gaius Gracchus.

121 — Gaius Gracchus is murdered.

115 — Crassus is born.

112 — Mithridates VI establishes himself as king of Pontus.

107 — Gaius Marius is elected Consul for first time.

91 — Land reform and Roman citizen issues sparks the Social War.

89 — First war with Mithridates of Pontus.

82 — Lucius Sulla installs himself as dictator.

73 — Outbreak of slave revolt led by Spartacus.

67 — Pompey is tasked to rid the Mediterrranean of pirates.

66 — Pompey is tasked to deal with Mithridates.

63 — Pompey invades Jerusalem to settle quarrel between Antigonus and Hyrcanus.

60 — Julius Caesar is elected Consul, and creates the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus.

53 — Caesar fights the Gallic War.

53 — Crassus dies at Battle of Carrhae fighting the Parthians.

49 — Caesar crosses the Rubicon, sparking a civil war.

48 — Caesar's enemies is dealt a fatal blow at Battle of Pharsalus; Pompey is murdered in Egypt.

45 — Caesar is murdered in the Senate.

44 — Mark Antony and Octavian pursue Caesar's assasssins in another civil war.

43 — Octavian becomes Consul for the first time and forms the Second Triumvirate with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus. — Cicero is murdered.

42 — Caesar's assassins defeated at the Battle of Philippi. — Herod and Phasael appointed rulers over Judea.

41 — Mark Antony meets Cleopatra for the first time and they become lovers.

40 — The Triumvirate carves up the Roman world among themselves.

38 — The Triumvirate is renewed for another five years.

37 — Herod the Great established his rule over Judea.

36 — Lepidus is forced to leave the Triumvirate.

32 — War breaks out between Octavian and Mark Antony.

31 — Octavian's forces defeat those of Antony and Cleopatra at Battle of Actium.

30 — Octavian conquers Alexandria; Antony and Cleopatra take their own lives.

27 — Octavian is proclaimed Imperator Caesar Augustus.

20 — Peace is concluded between Rome and the Parthians.

9 — Drusus, Augustus' designated heir, dies in battle in Germany.

5 — Jesus is born.


9 — Three legions of Roman soldiers under the command of Varus are ambushed and massacred in the Teutenburg Forest by the Germans.

14 — Augustus Caesar dies; he is succeeded by Tiberius.

19 — Germanicus, Tiberius's most likely successor, dies in mysterious circumstances.

23 — Tiberius establishes the Praetorian Guard camp in Rome.

33 — Jesus is crucified in Jerusalem.

37 — Tiberius dies and is succeeded by Caligula.

41 — A revolt among the members of the Praetorian Guards stabs Caligula to death and makes Claudius emperor.

54 — Claudius is poisoned; Nero succeeds as emperor.

60-61 — Boudicca's Revolt in Britain.

64 — The Great Fire of Rome.

66 — The First Jewish Revolt breaks out in Judea.

68 — Nero commits suicide after being deposed. This is followed by 'the year of the three emperors,' in which Galba, Otho, and Vitellius claimed the crown.

69 — Vespasian becomes emperor.

70 — Roman army, under the command of Titus, destroys and burns Jerusalem.

74 — Last stronghold of the Jewish Revolt falls in Masada.

79 — Vespasian dies and is succeeded by his eldest son, Titus. — Mount Vesuvius erupts; Pliny the Elder is killed while exploring the eruption.

81 — Emperor Titus dies; his younger brother, Domitian becomes emperor.

96 — Domitian is assassinated; Nerva becomes emperor.

98 — Trajan accedes as emperor at death of Nerva.

106 — Trajan completes conquest of Dacia.

117 — Hadrain succeeds Trajan upon the latter's death.

122 — Construction of the Hadrian's Wall in Britain begins.

132 — Hadrian commands Jerusalem to be rebuilt as Aelia Capitolina; Second Jewish Revolt begins.

138 — Hadrian dies and is succeeded by Antonius Pius.

161 — Antonius Pius dies; succeeded by Marcus Aurelius, who shares power with Lucius Verus.

147 — Vologaeses IV becomes king of the Parthians.

166 — Outbreak of the 'Antonine Plague.'

169 — Lucius Verus dies.

180 — Marcus Aurelius dies and is succeeded by Commodus as sole ruler.

192 — commodus is assassinated; this is followed by a year in which Pertinax, Didius Julianus and, finally, Septimius Severus claim control.

194 — Septimius Severus puts down revolt by Pescennius Niger at Issus.

195 — Septimius Severus conquers Byzantium — Clodius Albinus is proclaimed emperor by British legions.

197 — Septimius Severus defeats Clodius Albinius at Battle of Lugdunum.

199 — Septimius Severus establishes the province of Mesopotamia after sacking Parthian capitcal of Ctesiphon.


began 190527