
Two persons of this name are mentioned in the OT.

1) Commander of Absalom's army during the latter's revolt against his father David (2 Sam 17:25). After the failure of Absalom's venture, David forgave him and appointed him "commander of my army in place of Joab" (2 Sam 19:13). Amasa did not last long in his new post. In a chance meeting he and Joab came together to hug and greet o one another when a dagger that had come loose from its sheath on Joab stabbed Amasa in the belly (2 Sam 20:4-13). Joab did not seemed too disturbed by the death of the 'brother' he had just kissed in greetings; as Amasa lay dying with "his intestines spilled out on the ground," and holding up the march of the rest of the army down the road, Joab simply dragged his body to the side of the road and continued on his errand: no pity on a man who stood in the path of his career.

Amasa was the son of Jether, who had married Abigail (David's step-sister). This made him and Joab cousins and both David's nephews.

2) A certain "son of Hadlai" and leader in Ephraim during the reign of Pekah son of Remaliah. Pekah had gone to war against Ahaz of Judah during which one of his warriors, a man named Zicri had exceeded the standard of violence even in war and had taken a large number of Jews as booty. As his army returned to Samaria, he was meet by the prophet Oded who censored them,

Because the LORD, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he gave them into your hand. But you have slaughtered them in a rage that reaches to heaven. And now you intend to make the men and women of Judah and Jerusalem your slaves. But aren't you also guilty of sins against the LORD your God? Now listen to me! Send back your fellow countrymen that you have taken as prisoners, for the LORD's fierce anger rests on you." (2 Chron 28:9-11).

In response to this Amasa, with other leaders in Ephraim, confronted the army and refused them permission to bring the booty into the land, saying, "You must not bring those prisoners here," they said, "or we will be guilty before the LORD. Do you intend to add to our sin and guilt? For our guilt is already great, and his fierce anger rests on Israel."

No other detail about him survives.

