Anne of Cleve (Jülich-Kleve)

Sister of the Duke of Jülich-Kleve, and fourth wife of Henry VIII. They were married on 6 Jun, but dissolved on 16 Jul, 1540.

Henry VIII's decision to marry arose out of political consideration. England was being threatened by invasion from France and the Holy Roman Empire. In desparation Thomas Cromwell hoped to make an alliance with the Lutheran princes of the Schmalkaldic League in Germany. The marriage came as part of the politics of negotiation. Henry agreed to the marriage after viewing a portrait of the noble-woman painted by Hans Holbein, but grew an instant dislike towards her when he first met her. She may have suggested the annulment, and wisely saved herself from the axe of Henry's displeasure. Cromwell was not so fortunate; for the debacle he was executed twelve days after the annulment.

