Calvinism - Calvinists

A system of theological constructs whose main points have, caricaturally, been summarized under the acronym TULIP :
Total depravity,
Unconditional election,
Limited atonement,
Irresistable grace, and
Perseverance of the saints.

The five points derived not from John Calvin (who died in 1564) but from the Synod of Dort in 1618-19 in response to the five points put forward by the followers of Arminius. The acronym TULIP, however, was an even later invention; the flower that lends its name to the acronym is tulp in Dutch (the language of the Synod). Though named after John Calvin, it is doubtful if Calvin would have agreed with everythiing that Calvinists claim in his name. In many contexts, Calvinism is also identified, some would say erroneously, with Reformed Theology. Given its historical roots it is not surprising that the subject is most frequently discussed in contrast to (and often—and unfortunately—with a great deal of misrepresentation of) Arminianism.

Though often considered almost exclusively from a theological point of view, Abraham Kuyper's famous "Lectures on Calvinism" (first delivered at Princeton University in 1898) thinks of Calvinism as a "life system" with implications for all spheres of life.

A article outlining the history and main tenets of Calvinist teachings, and a critique is being prepared.

Media Resources:

W. J. Seaton, "The Five Points of Calvinism
html N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Paul Helm, "The Many Shades of Calvinism." Lignonier. June 1, 2010. html N (Open on Phone)

R. C. Sproul, What is Reformed Theology?, Ligonier Ministries. 12 lectures. Video N (Open on Phone)

Print Resources:

Paul Helm, "Calvin and Calvinism: The Anatomy of a Controversy," Evangel 2:1 (1984): 7- 10.
Pdf N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism. This work is now in the public domain, and several Pdf versions are availabe. The above link, from is one of the better ones.
Pdf N 6
These lectures are also available as audio-readings on Youtube beginning with Lecture 1: Calvinism a Life System (Open on Phone) 1.09.47 hr.

Tony Lane, "Calvin versus Calvinism Revisited," Foundations 42 (Spring 1999): 32-35.
Pdf N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Bruce Ware, Systematic Theology I. Lecture 4: Calvinism and Arminianism.
html N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Kenneth J. Stewart, "The Points of Calvinism: Retrospect and Prospect," Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 26.2 (Autumn 2008): 187-203.
Pdf N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Recommended Reading:

Michael Allen & Scott R. Swain, The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology. Oxford: OUP, 2020.
