
The word epiphany is derived from the Greek word epiphneia, meaning "manifestation," and ordinarily refers to the manifestation of a god. Used with a capital E, it refers to the Christian festival celebrated in many churches on 6 January, though what is actually celebrated is different. Ostensibly, the feast celebrates Jesus' manifestation and revelation to the world, such as to the Magi did when they came from the east to adore him as King of the Jews and Saviour of the world.

In Greek-speaking churches the feast is focused on the baptism of Jesus. In the Roman Catholic Church the feast celebrates the series of events that made the identity of the Saviour known to the world, including his birth, his adoration by the Magi, his baptism, and his first miracle at Cana. Christians in many other churches also are not aware that such a celebration exists.

See also Christmas.
