Eternal Generation

Eternal generation is a term coined by theologians to define the mystery of how Christ is related to God the Father as "the Son." Both the KJV & NKJ, e.g., express this same thought by adding the word 'begotten' in translating Jn 1:14b (". . . and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth"). Having so defined the relationship, theologians are careful, however, not to detract or distract from, or to encourage speculations of, the mystery, by not adding anything else about it. On the other hand, the full deity of Christ is stressed, as we see it affirmed in the Nicene Creed by such additional expressions like "begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father."

While the need to clarify things is natural, we have to admit that the idea of 'eternal generation' arose out of a single fact, i.e., that Jesus calls God "my Father," and Jesus is called "the Son." The logic of generation arises because that is the nature of the relationship of human father and son. Rational though the idea may be we need to remember that this is derived from human analogy. The reality may surprise us and may be nothing at all as we think. "Eternal generation," in other words, is a useful shorthand, but we use it with cautiously.
