Systematic Theology

In broad general terms, systematic theology is the study of what the Bible teaches about various subjects organized systematically (hence the moniker). Seven topics form the basic framework of most systematic theologies that have been written: God, Man, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, Last Things, and (sometimes listed first, depending on the theological emphasis of the author) Revelation.

An excellent introduction to Systematic Theology is found in Systematic Theology Iby Dr. Bruce Ware. Biblical Training. The course contains 28 lectures.
html N 5-6 (Open on Phone)

Media Resources:

Scott Swain, Basics of Systematic Theology. The Gospel Coalition. This course covers the doctrines of "Scripture, God, Trinity, Creation & Providence, Christ, Salvation, and the Church from the Historic Reformed Perspective." Video N

Third Millenium Ministrys has developed this extremely helpful course on Systematic Theology. These lectures open in the SPanel.

Building Systematic Theology. Lesson 1: What is Systematic Theology? video 1:37:34.

Building Systematic Theology. Lesson 2: Technical Terms in Systematics video 1:28:30.

Building Systematic Theology. Lesson 3: Propositions in Systematics video 1:26:24.

Building Systematic Theology. Lesson 4: Doctrines in Systematics video 1:44:20.

R C Sproul, Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology. Ligonier Ministries. 60 lectures. Video N
