Paul's Argument in Romans

Roman is the most sustained and unified theological exposition of the gospel found in the New Testament. It says a great deal about us that we struggle so badly to read Romans. Paul's original readers had to sit and listen to its entire reading in one go; it is a letter, after all, and letters were meant to be read in one sitting (even if we go back to read repeatedly different parts of it afterwards). Without every one of them having their own copy of the letter this must have been an arduous task. If you struggle to read Romans, do keep this very real picture of the original readers in mind, and count how blessed you-we are.

This reading is prepared to help you grasp the general flow of Paul's argument in the letter. Once you have grasped it the letter is yours and you will be able to find your way around it without help. And, be assured of it, this is a great treasure map to possess. Click here to open the text of the letter. Read through the text and, as you do, mentally summarize what you have read. Better still, write down in a notebook your mental summary. Only after you have done this do we suggest you click on the button to read a summary of the preceding passage as we understand it. Preferably set aside specially one day to complete this reading without any break (have you lunch prepared and packed so that you don't get interrupted).

If you do get interrupted, you can use the menu below to get back to where you last left off. Enjoy.

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