A mountain-range located in Moab in the TransJordan, one of whose peaks is Mount Nebo, to which Moses was commanded to ascend and "there on the mountain that you have climbed you will die and be gathered to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people" (Deut 32:49-50).
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The exact location and extent of the mountain-range is uncertain, though most scholars are agreed that it is spread around the northern end of the uplands east of the Dead Sea, "across from Jericho" (Deut 32:48). From there one could look west and "see the land I have given to Israel" (Num 27:12). Today it is possible to glimpse a view of what Moses saw from the Franciscan sanctuary at Mount Nebo Siyagha in Jordan.
View from Mt Nebo, looking north.