

The eldest son of Zeruiah, David's sister, and brother of Joab and Asahel (1 Chron 2:16). The identity of their father is never mentioned.

Like his brothers Abishai joined David's army and became a trusted lieutenant to David; his first mention in Scriptures record him volunterring to accompany David down to Saul's camp where they found Saul and all his men asleep. Offering to strike Saul dead, turned him down and took Saul's spear and the water jug near Saul's head, and used them to ridicule Saul's generals about their competence in guarding their king, and to show Saul that David showed him no ill-will instead (1 Sam 26). Abishai eventually grew to be a brave general and captain of one of David's three divisions of army (2 Sam 23:18). Of the more significant events in his life was the revenge he took on Abner, Saul's general who had killed his brother, Asahel (2 Sam 3:30) and in his slaying of Isbi-Benob, the Philistine giant who had threatened David's life (2 Sam 21:16-17).

