
Three persons of this name—one from the tribe of Judah and two Levites—are mentioned in Scriptures.

1. Amminadab of Judah was Aaron's father-in-law, making him ancestor of Israel's priestly and royal-messianic line. In all the other twelve occurrences of his name, he is referred to as father of Nahshon, a leader of the tribe of Judah.

Open Family Tree (Generation 6)

2. Son of Kohath, the second son of Levi (1 Chron 6:16). Some commentators believe he was the same person identified as Izhar in v2 and v18. We know nothing else about him.

3. One of "heads of the Levitical families" who helped David bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem (1 Chron 15:11). According to the previous verse, he was descended from Uzziel. Nothing else is known about him.

