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5-6 - the number in the box indicates the relative reading demand (on a scale of 1-9) of the article to be opened. The higher the number the more the article assumes of the reader; 8-9, e.g., assumes that the reader knows Greek or Hebrew. 5 represents a high-school level of reading ability, the assumed level of most of our audience. While upper-end articles are far fewer, they are included because ALBERITH will not assume that its target-audience (lay-preachers) are not bold or intelligent enough to work hard in their learning.
ABD - Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. . 6 Vols.
Acts - Acts of the Apostles.
BAR - Biblical Archaeolgical Review.
BBR - Bulletin of Biblical Research.
BDB - A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles Briggs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907.
BSac - Bibliotheca Sacra
c. - circa, i.e., approximately.
CBQ - Catholic Biblical Quarterly.
CTJ - Calvin Theological Journal
Deut - Deuteronomy.
DJG - Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, ed., J. L. Green, Scot McKnight, & I. Howard Marshall. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1992.
DPL - Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, ed. G. F. Hawthorne, et al. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1993.
DtH - Deuteronomistic Historian.
Exo - Exodus.
Gen - Genesis.
GTJ - Grace Theological Journal.
HTR - Harvard Theological Review.
HUCA - Hebrew Union College Annual.
Ibid. - in the same place.
JBL - Journal of Biblical Literature.
JETS - Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Jn - Gospel of John.
Jos - Joshua.
JSNT - Journal for the Study of the New Testament.
JSOT - Journal for the Study oof the Old Testament.
Judg - Judges.
Lev - Leviticus.
Lk - Gospel of Luke.
LXX - Septuagint.
Ms, Mss - Manuscript, Manuscripts.
NDT - New Dictionary of Theology
NICNT - New International Commentary on the New Testament.
NICOT - New International Commentary on the Old Testament.
NIDNTT - New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology.
NIDOTT - New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology
NovT - Novum Testamentum.
Num - Numbers.
Op cit. - in the same work last noted.
Prov - Proverbs.
Psm - Psalms.
ResQ - Restoration Quarterly.
SBL - Society of Biblical Literature.
SJT - Scottish Journal of Theology.
Song - Song of Solomon.
TDNT - Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.
TDOT - Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament.
TrinJ -
TWOT - Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, eds. Bruce W. Waltke,
TynB - Tyndale Bulletin.
VT - Vetus Testamentum
Vox Ev - Vox Evangelica.
WTJ - Westminster Theological Journal
ZAW - Zeitschrift fur de Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft.