David's Wives & Children

It is difficult to say how many wives and children David actually had. We know only those specifically named for us.

1) Michal - childless (2 Sam 6:23).

2) Ahinoam of Jezreel - Amnon (2 Sam 3:2).

3) Abigail of Carmel (widow of Nabal) - Kileab (aka Daniel) (2 Sam 3:3).

4) Maacah (daughter of Talmai king of Geshur) - Absalom & Tamar(2 Sam 3:3).

5) Haggith - Adonijah (2 Sam 3:4).

6) Abital - Shephatiah (2 Sam 3:4).

7) Eglah - Ithream (2 Sam 3:5).

(The above children were born when he reigned in Hebron.)

8) Bathsheba, wife of Uriah - Solomon, but also Shammua, Shabab and Nathan (1 Chron 3:5)

David also had an indeterminate number of concubines as well as sons and daughters. Those known to us include (according to 2 Sam 5:14ff.) , 4) Ibhar, 5) Elishua, 6) Eliphelet, (according to 1 Chron 14:3-7) 7) Elpelet, 8) Nogah, 9) Nepheg, 10) Japhia, 11) Elishama, and 12) Beeliada (aka Eliada).
