The idea that all the complexities of life as we know it are descended from a single original organism. Evolution is the fundamental principle of modern biological science without which little makes sense. (Physical evolution is also the fundamental principle underlining modern astronomy.)
Though popularly thought of by many to have been invented by Charles Darwin, the idea of evolution is, in fact, far older than Darwin (Darwin's grandfather had already written a work expounding evolution).
Modern understanding of evolution is driven and undergirded largely, but not solely, by studies in genetics, though fossils (paleontology) continues to play an important part.
A question of particular interest to Christians is whether evolution is a useful and very powerful theory or an established fact. The answer is both. This is because the term 'evolution' is used—almost always without distinguishing between them—in two ways. There is micro-evolution, which refers to the changes within a particular species. This is an observable established fact. Then there is macro-evolution, which refers to the supposed modification of one species into another. Since macro-evolution is a process that requires at least thousands of years to be discernible, it can only be deduced from other evidences, primarily fossils. The reading of the fossil record is, unlike the genome, largely a matter of interpretation, being shaped by the scientist's own bias and presuppositions. Of particular difficulty to paleontologists are the so-called Cambrian Explosion, a very the early strata of rocks that shown that there were no signs of gradual evolution from simpler to more complex creatures but an explosion of many highly complex species, which seems, therefore, to negate the idea of gradual evolution.
The present understanding of evolution is also based on the assumption that life evolved, and evolved only once, from not living things, i.e., the idea called spontaneous generation. The idea of spontaneous generation, however, had long been disproved by Louis Pasteur, and is the underlining principle behind all modern medical practices. In that sense, modern evolution is based on a very un-scientific principle.
Another question many Christians struggle with is whether evolution is compatible with Christian belief. The answer again is yes and no. As represented in all the scientific literature on the subject, evolution is understood to be naturalistic and driven by pure chance (seem, e.g., Richard Dawkins). Understood this way, evolution is certainly not compatible with Christian belief. Many Christian scientists (and there are many of them; Francis Collins who headed the Human Genome Project being one of them) argue differently. They instead believe that evolution does not proceed by chance; evolution is a perfectly acceptable idea if it is understood to be guided by God's wise and creative hand.
In conclusion it should perhaps be said that Christians have too long sat on the road side taking potshots at the idea of evolution rather than getting their hands dirty in the business of researching it. As a result the Christian community has lost its influence in the scientific community. It is long overdue that we should rather put some of our best minds to the real task of understanding rather than criticizing evolution. The task is all the more urgent because even as we continue to argue about the origin of species we are in fact sliding into a world beset with the fast extinction of species.
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Further Reading:
Denis Alexander, Creation or Evolution. Do We Have to Choose? Oxford/Grand Rapids: Monarch Books, 2008.
R. J. Berrry and T. A. Noble, eds., Darwin, Creation and the Fall. Nottingham: Apollos, 2009.
Charles Foster, The Selfless Gene. Living with God and Darwin. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009.
Alvin Plantinga, Where the Conflict Really Lies. Science, Religion, & Naturalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.