A small town located between Capernaum and Magdala on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus's boat landed after the disciples witnessed Jesus walking on the water during a storm (Matt 14:34; Mk 6:53). Immediately afterwards the news of his presence in the town spread and people began to gather to be healed by him. Luke reports another occasion when Jesus, after having taught the people, got into a boat belonging to Simon Peter, ordered him to put out from shore and for the nets to be cast; despite Peter's demurral having failed to catch anything after a whole night's work, the disciples hauled in so many fish the boat threatened to sink (5:1-10).
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Near the ancient site is today located the kibbutz of Ginosa, where, in ##, the residents discovered a boat from the time of the NT. The boat was excavated and preserved. It soon became known popularly as the 'Jesus Boat.' It is now on display in the kibbutz museum.
The 'Jesus Boat'