
6th Cent BC

Greek—Milesian—philosopher who lived in the 6th Cent BC (about the time when the Assyrians were assailing ancient Israel, Judah, and their neighbours, and two centuries before Socrates and Aristotle) whose influence on us runs deeper than most of us realize.

Born in Ephesus Heraclitus taught most of his life in Miletus. He is famous for two particular ideas. The first is the unity of opposites. A half empty glass is also half full. The way up is also the way down. The young 'you' is the same old 'you.' The practical implication is that difficulties can be opportunities, contradictions need not be negative because they allow us to see the positive. The second idea is that of flux: everything in the world is changing all the time. The popular saying that you cannot step into the same river twice traces to him.

"A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one."

"What anger wants it buys at the price of soul."

Further Reading:

Bryan MaGee, The Story of Philosophy. Revised and updated. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2016.
