The New Testament is the name given by Christians to that portion of Scriptures that records and reports God's plan of salvation for the human race that is mediated through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the Apostles. Together, the Old and the New Testaments make up the Christian Bible.
The New Testament is often divided for ease of reference into three parts:
1) the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles:
The Gospel of Matthew,
the Gosple of Mark,
the Gosple of Luke,
the Gospel of John, and the Acts of the Apostles.
2) the Pauline Letters:
1 Corinthians,
2 Corinthings,
1 Thessalonians,
2 Thessalonians,
1 Timothy,
2 Timothy,
Titus, and
3) the Non-Pauline Letters:
1 Peter,
2 Peter,
1 John,
2 John,
3 JohnJude, and
This makes 27 books in all.
A more indepth treatment of the New Testament is planned. Sorry, it is not yet ready.
Media Resources:
The New Testament Canon by Michael Kruger. Ligonier Ministires. This is a series of 6 studies. Video N
New Testament History & Theology by David Chapman. Covenant Theological Seminary. N audio (25 episodes).
Hebrews to Revelation by Daniel Doriani. Covenant Theological Seminary. N audio (36 episodes).