

In the history of the early church, few individuals could compare with Origin in terms of his skill and brilliance as a philosopher, exegete, and theologian. He remains the most famous of representative of the Alexandrian school of biblical interpretation.

Born to Christian parents, Origen had an early escape from martyrdom when, with the impulsive enthusiasm of a teenager, want to rush to join his father when the latter was martyred during the reign of Emperor Severus It was only his mother's quick thinking, hiding his clothes, that saved him from an early death.

Origen was born in Alexandria

Further Reading & Resources:

F. F. Bruce, "The History of New Testament Study," in New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods, ed. I. Howard Marshall, (Carlisle: The Paternoster Press, revised 1979), pp.21-59. (For Origen, see esp., pp.24-26.) Pdf N 6-7 (Open on Phone)