The word 'preaching' is understood in various ways depending on the author; here at Alberith, we define preaching as "a unique event in which God, through the instrument of the preacher, confronts us with His Word—as it is clearly and simply expounded—in order to do His transforming redeeming work in our particular circumstances.
Further Reading & Resources:
☰ Gervais Angel, "Sermons in Acts: Acts 2, the first Christian Pentecost," Evangel 7:3 (1989): 6-10.
☰ James Atkinson, "The Priority of Preching," Evangel 103.3 (Autumn 1989): 198-208.
☰ Charles M. Cameron, "The Use of the Bible in Evangelical Preaching Today," Evangel 13:1 (1995): 16-21.
☰ John A. Cheeseman, "The Priority of Preaching," Churchman 113.4 (Winter 1999): 331-344.
☰ David M. Doran, "The Role of the Holy Spirit in Preaching," Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 3 (Fall 1998): 103-121.
☰ Derek Kidner, "Preaching from the Old Testament,"Evangel 8:4 (1990): 10-14.
☰ I. Howard Marshall, "Preaching from the New Testament," Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 9.2 (Autumn 1991): 104-117.
☰ Stuart Murray, "Interactive Preaching,"Evangel 17.2 (Summer 1999): 53-57.
☰ Dennis Ngien, "Theology of Preaching in Martin Luther," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003): 28-48.
☰ James I. Packer, "From the Scriptures to the Sermon. I. Some Perspectives on Preaching," Ashland Theological Journal 22 (1990): 42-53.
☰ James I. Packer, "From the Scriptures to the Sermon. II. The Problem of Paradigms," Ashland Theological Journal 22 (1990): 54-64.
☰ James Philip, "Preaching in Scripture," Evangel 1:1 (1983): 15-17.
☰ James Philip, "Preaching in History," Evangel 1:2 (1983): 14-16.
☰ James Philip, "The Goal of Preaching," Evangel 1:4 (1983): 11-13.
☰ James Philip, "Preaching and Teaching," Evangel 24.1 (Spring 2006): 13-17.
☰ Michael Quicke, "'Preaching Outcomes'," Evangel 17.2 (Summer 1999): 58-62.
☰ Arthur Rowe, "Preaching and Teaching," Evangel 17.2 (Summer 1999): 48-50.
☰ Klaas Runia, "What is Preaching According to the New Testament," Tyndale Bulletin 29 (1978): 3-48.
☰ William Still, "Set Apart to be Preachers: A charge to Students," Evangel 1:4 (1983): 14-16.
☰ Peter Sanlon, "The Embers of Preaching," Churchman 120.1 (Spring 2006): 57-69.
☰ Chris Voke, "'Putting the Gospel Back into Preaching'," Evangel 17.2 (Summer 1999): 39-43.
☰ Stephen I. Wright, "Exegesis and the Preacher," Evangel 17.2 (Summer 1999): 62-67.