Star of David

A six-cornered star that is today used as the symbol of Zionism and the state of modern Israel. It has no biblical significance, nor does it have any real connection to the historical David we know of in the Bible.

The six-cornered star is an ancient motif found in many cultures, and has often been incorporated into architectural decorations. Though found on such decorations in ancient Israel, there is no evidence that such decorations served as a symbol of Israel or of Judaism anymore than the palm-frond or the pomagranate did. Its use as a symbol for Judaism seems to have begun, or at least was increasingly used, after the Roman era.

The modern Zionist movement very cleverly adopted the symbol and expertly associated it with the ancient king of Israel and turned it into a potent political emblem with quasi-religious undertones. As a result the blue star has become the most distinguishable symbol of modern Israel.