The small island—about 13km long and 10km wide—in the north Aegean Sea where Paul stopped over while sailing from Troas to Neapolis-Philippi soon after he had had a vision during the night of a man of Macedonia begging him to "come over to Macedonia and help us" (16:9-11) during his so-called Second Missionary Journey.
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Its name reflects appropriately its location about 30km south of Thrace, and the fact that the mountain—samos—on the island reaches to a height of more than 1500m. Though of little commercial importance, the height of the mountain made it visible to ships from afar by which sailors may set their course, and the harbour at the north of the island provided effective shelter from the strong prevailing wind from the south.
Though the island is mentioned only once in the accounts of Acts, Paul may well have visited the island on other occasions as he sailed around the Aegean Sea.
The modern name of the island is Samothraki.